
Christmas is for the Children

Each year I look forward to the holiday season with great anticipation. Thanksgiving might be my favorite as our family especially treasures time around the table enjoying a wonderful meal. But I also love breaking out all of the Christmas decor as soon as the turkey is relegated to leftovers. The process of decorating our home for the Noel season usually requires an entire weekend, with a few final projects spilling over into the next week as well.

First the tree goes up— jingle bell garland hung on swaying branches, ornaments dripping from every limb, tree skirt arranged at the base. Then I hang all of our stockings (we are up to 16 along our mantel—one for each of our immediate family + Honey + 9 grandchildren), Christmas needlepoint pillows come out, berry wreaths go on the front door, various framed pictures from holidays past, and the nativity set on a sofa table. Next I pull out all of my favorite Santa figures to spread throughout the house, one each on the foyer table, dining room buffet, fireplace hearth, and living room armoire. I have a cute mini tree with all food/cooking related ornaments that graces the kitchen buffet and always brings a smile to my face. Maybe the final task is to fill the glass cabinet in the breakfast room with the beautiful holly china that we have accumulated over the years.

When we are finished pulling each item from its safe storage space of the year before, we marvel at how beautiful and magical the entire house appears. This is a very adult feeling of satisfaction…putting together decorative items that please the eye.

However, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen the season from the viewpoint of our children when they were young and so excited for everything that was Christmas. I had honestly almost forgotten what it was like to see it all through their eyes. But now, with grandchildren filling our home with bright anticipation, laughter, and excited squeals, I truly realize the season is for them. Their joy, wonder and thrilled reactions bring me to such an unexpected place of contentment. Singing happy birthday to Jesus, sweet voices crooning, watching little fingers carefully touch ornaments on our tree, seeing their delight at opening gifts—even via FaceTime with my darlings in Colorado—my heart was close to bursting.

What joy. Such peace. Eternal love.