santa fe chicken stew

A Victory Lap Kind of Menu

I have a lopsided week so pickups will occur Wednesday-Friday but feel free to send your orders in early to reserve your favorites.
The entire menu is devoted to the Butterfield Gourmet favorites, meals that my customers order time and time again.


We all have favorites, right? It’s funny, but when I was growing up, my mom had a very distinctive cooking style. She was a great cook – everything she put on the table was tasty but she despised the planning of the weekly menu. So she would often get in a rut of making the same four to five meals, weeks in a row. And as a dutiful family, we ate everything she put in front of us until finally, she tired of making those particular dishes and changed the menu.

I have the opposite problem: I like to make different meals all the time. When I was raising my family, I was constantly poring over cookbooks, cutting out recipes from magazines, and generally mixing it up in the kitchen. My family had to request that I make a favorite of theirs in order to get it into the rotation. What I finally learned is that sometimes, new isn’t always better. The palate craves familiar tastes and comforting food is related to memories and consistency. So, it’s okay to repeat your menu and maybe my mother was doing it right after all!

I hope you choose a favorite from the menu this week or find a new one. Order by reply to this email by 10 am the day before needed and don’t forget to include your cell phone number. Pickup times are as follows:

Wednesday – NW Hwy & Preston, 2:30 pm, 3pm, 3:30 pm
Thursday – NW Hwy & Preston, 2:30 pm, 3pm, 3:30 pm
Forest & Preston, 4:30 pm
Friday - NW Hwy & Preston, 2:30 pm, 3pm, 3:30 pm
Forest & Preston, 4:30 pm

BG Menu for Feb 22