Real Life Kitchen Adventures

Our college sophomore is just now heading back to school this weekend. His break was nice and long—four weeks to hang with friends, eat a lot of home cooking, chill out and even squeeze in a ski trip. He made the most of the time and is headed back to TCU ready for the semester, albeit not quite as excited as he was in August.

Snowboarding & GoPro, such a multi-tasker

Snowboarding & GoPro, such a multi-tasker

His fraternity brother has a home in Park City, Utah, and my son joined his buddy and 3 other friends for the coldest, powder-filled week he has ever had. What an adventure! Snow-boarding through pristine powder and filming it on a camera is an experience I can only imagine. I jokingly told my friends that I wish I had his life. And I have heard that same sentiment from many other parents. Our children have access to amazing experiences and adventures that we did not have in our youth.

Tres amigos

Tres amigos

However, I don’t really want his life. I kind of like mine. After all, his ski trip was just one week but every week I get to have Kitchen Adventures! Like refilling my gigantic rolling flour bin with a 50 pound sack of flour and spilling about 5 pounds on the floor. Or, locking myself out of the kitchen and having to run around the building to get in. Or, pouring the wrong kind of broth into a pot pie gravy and scrapping it to start over. These are real life adventures, people!

Just this past holiday season the Butterfield Gourmet team and I: rolled out 82 pie crusts in one week; shipped 212 gift boxes around the country; made 106 pounds of savory nuts, 76 pounds of chocolate bark, 852 caramel bars, and 68 pounds of pecan pie bar candy; baked 36 chocolate-pumpkin breads; rolled out and baked to buttered perfection 22 dozen dinner rolls. Mmmm-mmm, those were the best!

Thanksgiving dinner rolls

Thanksgiving dinner rolls

So I want to thank each of you, my loyal and hungry customers, for giving me the joy and pleasure to experience so many kitchen adventures in 2016. I obviously love what I do and I look forward to another year of excitement, peril, and delicious adventures with you via Butterfield Gourmet.