squash quiche

A (very) short essay on Fatherhood


Yesterday was Father’s Day and I heard some statistic on the radio the week prior about the difference in spending for Mother’s Day and it’s counterpart. The percentage spent for gifts on FD was significantly less (>40%?) and when I asked my son why he thought this was so, he ironically stated “because somehow Mother’s Day is also Wife’s Day.” But I think it’s also because Dads actually prefer experiences over tangible gifts. Many a father would prefer a quiet afternoon watching Jordan Spieth win the US Open or going fishing with buddies or playing catch in their front yards. My sons took their Dad out to play a round of golf and when I texted my husband to ask how it was going, his reply made my heart sing – “We are playing poorly but good to spend time with my boys.”

The different roles of Mother and Father were once well defined. Dad was the breadwinner, Mom raised the children and kept the house. My childhood was much along those lines with a couple of exceptions. My mother indeed made all the meals, clothed and bathed us, kept our home sparkling clean and kissed our boo-boos. But as she was from a different culture and her grasp of the English language was limited, some tasks were absorbed by my father. One of my fondest childhood memories is of my father reading to me and my brother and sister. He read us the entire Tales of Narnia by C.S. Lewis using different voices for the characters. He also shared a gospel tract with me and helped me pray for salvation. He taught me to tie my shoes, ride a bike, write my name and read.


As a Mother myself, I am fortunate to be blessed with a husband who has worked beside me to make our family whole. Our roles are defined and blurry at the same time. When our children were small, many times John would be the first to announce. “Bath time!” and cart the kids to the tub. If they were sick at night, he would always clean up the mess — something for which I did not have the stomach — putting fresh sheets on their beds. Yes, he was the one that rough-housed with them but he also did dishes while I read them a story and put them down for the night.

So I’m really glad my husband was able to spend this Father’s Day enjoying an experience with his boys. My daughter-in-law and I made him a meal of favorites.

Cheese Plate featuring Delice de Bourgogne (JB’s favorite triple cream cheese)

Green Salad with carrots, cucumbers, feta & craisins

Pan-fried Filet Mignon with Horseradish cream

Sautéed Garlic Spinach

Oven Roasted Yukon Gold Steak Fries

and for dessert:

Cherry Pie a la mode

I think he had a pretty good day. Personally I am not a fan of Cherry Pie but this one was quite delicious. Hopefully your father’s day was special and filled with favorite things as well. Here’s what I’m cooking this week. Menu for June 22 and did I mention that former Jesuit Ranger, Jordan Spieth, won the US Open? :))   Have a great week!